Posts tagged ‘armed robbery’

March 26, 2013

Two more robberies with knives as weapons

There were two robberies involving knives in Allston last week, one successful, one not. Both occurred shortly after 1AM on Thursday, March 21. In the first, near the corner of Glenville Avenue and Harvard Avenue, two men, one white, the other race unknown, made off with the victim’s mobile phone and wallet. The second incident, in the vicinity of the corner of Linden Street and Commonwealth Avenue, was foiled when the victim ran from the three men who were threatening him. One had first asked for a light, but followed up with “Give me everything you got.” After fleeing to the Linden Superette, he met the responding police and gave his report.

March 9, 2013

Sutherland Pharmacy robbed again

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Sutherland Pharmacy has been hit again by an armed thief. About a year ago the same thing happened, and the store, located at 1690 Commonwealth Avenue, was broken into within the past year. Wearing a mask according to the BPD report, the gunman entered the premises around 1PM on Tuesday, March 3 and ordered everyone to get on the floor, then demanded the drugs Xanax and Klonopin. He fled in the direction of Wilson Park, located behind the block of commercial buildings. Police were unable to locate the suspect when they arrived soon thereafter, and ask anyone with information to contact Station 14 at 617-343-4256.

March 7, 2013

Woman has handbag stolen, then threatened with gun

A woman had her purse snatched as she entered her apartment building at 50 Englewood Road on last Thursday at 5:30PM. As she chased the thief down Strathmore Road, hollering “Give me back my bag, I’ll give you all my cash,” he stopped, turned and pointed a handgun at her, demanding “Give me all your cash or I will shoot you.” At that point an unknown man shouted to leave her alone, causing the thief to drop the bag and flee in his car, which was parked on Strathmore. Despite a call to area police vehicles they were not able to apprehend the suspect. Information obtained from BPD report.

January 30, 2013

Gunpoint robbery at local market


The Boston Police are seeking the public’s help in apprehending two men who were involved in an armed robbery at the Neighborhood Market in Allston yesterday evening. More info here. Hat tip Adam at UH.


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