Posts tagged ‘37 North Beacon’

May 7, 2013

37 North Beacon plan junked

The 37 North Beacon Street proposal, cars or not, seems to have been junked for good at a Board of Appeal hearing on April 23. The board voted to deny without prejudice.

April 9, 2013

No parking allowed: City Hall garages 37 N. Beacon plan

Despite the overwrought adoration – “the talk of Boston” and “bold” and “stylish” – accorded to a plan to put an ugly building that disregarded recently redesigned zoning – the bromance is over. Today the proposal was abruptly yanked from the Board of Appeals agenda, despite the BRA’s previous approval. Seems the developer doesn’t have title to the property, or even a current agreement that will allow him to purchase, depending on approval.

April 3, 2013

With parking or not, 37 North Beacon plan still alive?

Is the 37 North Beacon development a done deal? I haven’t been able to confirm this, but there is talk that proponent Sebastian Mariscal’s option on the property has expired. A new developer may be in the mix. Either way, this site needs a better designed building that is less dense. The city’s Guest Street planning area, which encompasses this site and big swath of the neighborhood, calls for guidelines for height and size that this proposal ignores.

March 16, 2013

Building approved with parking developer didn’t want

The building originally intended for the carless has been approved by the BRA, but with 35 parking spaces for the 41 apartments, along with two spots for bikes per unit. It will occupy the property at the corner of North Beacon and Everett Streets. The final approval is up to the Zoning Board of Appeals, but is extremely likely. Too bad there weren’t any changes to the size and design. Five storys is too high, and the exterior is just ugly.

The no-parking aspect always struck me as a bit of greenwashing and not a new concept. Commonwealth Avenue and its side streets are packed with parked vehicles from residents of the parking-free buildings that line it. This, despite the B-line that runs up the middle.

Building approved with parking developer didn’t want


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