Posts tagged ‘students’

November 13, 2012

The coed wore Prada

A recent theft from a student living on Gerald Road in Brighton included bags from Prada, Tumi and Chanel, three(!) coats from Burberry, and a few other items that ring in for a total of $6050. Ka-ching, ka-ching, the girl likes to shop. Just don’t ever complain about your student loans, OK?

April 30, 2012

A real (so far) crack-down on absentee owners

The city is continuing its push against irresponsible landlords. The initiative started in response to a fire at 81 Linden Street, Allston that left one student with a brain injury after he had to jump from the second story to escape from the flames.

It’s good that the city is encouraging the students who live in these buildings to know their rights and file complaints about the unsafe conditions they live in. Another option they have is to withhold rent, depending on the circumstances. That will get the attention of owners like Joseph Ciliberti of Newton, who has over $37,000 in unpaid fines for code violations and a disconnected phone.

Here’s to hoping that the city continues to make this a priority, and doesn’t drop it as it did in the past.


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