Posts tagged ‘Crime’

December 4, 2013

Former Presentation church vandalized

The former Presentation church at 680 Washington Street in Brighton was vandalized sometime between the afternoon of November 23 and the morning of November 25.  Three teens who were caught on tape are responsible.  The property is now used a library and lecture hall by St. John’s Seminary.

April 18, 2013

Shooting near Fidelis Way

Last night a man was shot at 1:20AM near the Commonwealth/Washington/Fidelis Way intersection. Adam at UH has more.

April 3, 2013

Fight club, female edition

Several disagreements ended in fights last week. Among them:

A dispute over something, perhaps the alleged theft of what one lady claimed was a $70,000 engagement ring, erupted outside the Brighton Brighton Beer Garden on Friday, March 29. The incident began when the two women were outside smoking, and the victim dropped the ring when she was took it off to show the other. Somehow it disappeared, leading to fisticuffs. The police arrived, spoke to both women and a witness/friend of the victim, and searched the suspect. The ring was not found, despite a search of the area by the police. Perhaps they weren’t looking too hard since the victim had directed a obscenity laced tirade at them.

Also on the 29th, an argument between two women over stolen drugs went from words to fists at 40 Atkins Street. After smacking the victim in the face multiple times, she fled but returned a short time later. By that time an ambulance had arrived to treat the victim, and officers were not inclined to let the suspect hunt around for her missing drugs and keys. Despite being told to call it a night and head home, she left only briefly and returned again. Again she was told to leave, again she departed but wasted little time before heading back toward the apartment. At that point she was arrested after screaming “I’m going to kill the f’ing bitch!” The booking process turned up two outstanding warrants, both for failure to perform jury duty. Probably just as well she wasn’t part of the jury pool.

Finally, officers broke up a twelve person brawl involving guys and at least one woman at 51 North Beacon Street at around 4AM on Saturday, March 30. Three were arrested and charged with affray.

March 26, 2013

Two more robberies with knives as weapons

There were two robberies involving knives in Allston last week, one successful, one not. Both occurred shortly after 1AM on Thursday, March 21. In the first, near the corner of Glenville Avenue and Harvard Avenue, two men, one white, the other race unknown, made off with the victim’s mobile phone and wallet. The second incident, in the vicinity of the corner of Linden Street and Commonwealth Avenue, was foiled when the victim ran from the three men who were threatening him. One had first asked for a light, but followed up with “Give me everything you got.” After fleeing to the Linden Superette, he met the responding police and gave his report.

March 24, 2013

“I don’t want to hurt you, give me everything you got”

A 20-year old student had a knife held to his throat after being knocked to the ground near 21 Quint Avenue, Allston on Monday, March 18 around 7PM. After threatening him with the knife, the two thieves made off with his wallet and iPhone. The suspects were described as two white Hispanic males, both 18-22 years old, one being around 5’9″.

March 9, 2013

Sutherland Pharmacy robbed again

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Sutherland Pharmacy has been hit again by an armed thief. About a year ago the same thing happened, and the store, located at 1690 Commonwealth Avenue, was broken into within the past year. Wearing a mask according to the BPD report, the gunman entered the premises around 1PM on Tuesday, March 3 and ordered everyone to get on the floor, then demanded the drugs Xanax and Klonopin. He fled in the direction of Wilson Park, located behind the block of commercial buildings. Police were unable to locate the suspect when they arrived soon thereafter, and ask anyone with information to contact Station 14 at 617-343-4256.

March 7, 2013

Woman has handbag stolen, then threatened with gun

A woman had her purse snatched as she entered her apartment building at 50 Englewood Road on last Thursday at 5:30PM. As she chased the thief down Strathmore Road, hollering “Give me back my bag, I’ll give you all my cash,” he stopped, turned and pointed a handgun at her, demanding “Give me all your cash or I will shoot you.” At that point an unknown man shouted to leave her alone, causing the thief to drop the bag and flee in his car, which was parked on Strathmore. Despite a call to area police vehicles they were not able to apprehend the suspect. Information obtained from BPD report.

March 3, 2013

What’s keeping the police busy these days

Apple MacBooks are at the top of the list for burglars. Three MacBooks were lifted from 90 Easton Street, two from 28 Quint Avenue, and one each disappeared from two different apartments at 29 Cummings Road. Another vanished at 6 Camelot Court. Plus three at 115 Glenville Avenue. Activate that tracking application on your laptop, kids, it’s there for a reason.

The perennial party scene in the Ashford Street/Wadsworth Street area brought the attention of police to 34 Ashford, 66 Ashford, 8 Wadsworth and 85 Linden. All locations were found with underage drinking and upwards of 100 people in the basement.

“Uncle Crummies,” an underground drinking and performance spot in an apartment at 30 Penniman Road in Allston, was put out of business when police paid a visit. There was a $7 donation to enter, about 75 people listening to one of four bands on the night’s lineup and a bar manned by two bartenders.

March 2, 2013

BU student found unconscious, later dies

A BU student was found unconscious in a Wadsworth Street apartment in Allston around midnight today, according to He was later declared dead at St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center. This is the second death this year in that area. Police believe there was no foul play involved.

March 2, 2013

Someone needed a Happy Meal

An accident on Soldiers Field Road on February 21 around 8:30AM erupted into road rage when the one driver chased another into the nearby McDonald’s. The perpetrator smashed the window shades of the victim’s truck and kicked it repeatedly, trying to get him out of the vehicle. He, no fool, called the police instead. The perpetrator, a bit of a fool, admitted to officers he had done all of the above, and was arrested.

February 27, 2013

Vicious attack on Brighton Avenue

A few weeks ago someone was knocked to the ground and literally stomped in the head as he left Redneck’s Roast Beef at 140 Brighton Avenue, at the corner of Harvard Avenue. The victim was bleeding heavily and vomiting by the time an ambulance arrived. The attack occurred around 2:30AM on Friday, February 8. It was witnessed by a police officer on his way to another incident, and the perpetrator was arrested.

And some people think we need to let Allston’s bars and fast food restaurants to stay open later.

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February 13, 2013

Condom thieves think ahead

First, they stole condoms. Forty-three boxes of Trojans and Durex from the CVS on Market Street. Who knew there was such an off-market for them? Or were the man and woman who lifted the items desperate from desire and lack of cash? Exactly one week later, the pair struck again, this time helping themselves to twelve pregnancy test kits. In case the condoms proved defective?
(Information from Boston Police reports.)

January 30, 2013

Gunpoint robbery at local market


The Boston Police are seeking the public’s help in apprehending two men who were involved in an armed robbery at the Neighborhood Market in Allston yesterday evening. More info here. Hat tip Adam at UH.

November 13, 2012

The coed wore Prada

A recent theft from a student living on Gerald Road in Brighton included bags from Prada, Tumi and Chanel, three(!) coats from Burberry, and a few other items that ring in for a total of $6050. Ka-ching, ka-ching, the girl likes to shop. Just don’t ever complain about your student loans, OK?

November 13, 2012

That little old lady in your yoga class may be up to no good

Last Wednesday a woman had her wallet lifted while she was taking a yoga class at the Oak Square Y. The elderly suspect had an enormous purse, “overflowing” with stuff, according to the victim. Leaving her wallet on a bench in the yoga studio, she noticed the gray-haired possible perp sitting there. The loot included credit cards, passports for the US and Canada, and $400. Theft has been a problem at the facility since the day it opened. In another incident, Monday of this week a member returned to his locker to discover that his gym bag had been taken, containing his wallet, credit cards and iPhone.

October 3, 2012

Party on

The BU Free Press reports on a couple of incidents that drew the attention of police this past weekend, including a stabbing at a Hano Street bash and a loud party on Allston street.

June 3, 2012

3AM closing time fails to reduce crime

A Domino’s Pizza employee was punched, fell and knocked unconscious when a group of five people decided they didn’t like the fact the pizza parlor had no public restrooms. This Allston location was recently granted an extension of its closing hour to 3AM. Thank goodness the company offers health insurance.

May 30, 2012


An Allston resident and his friends were doused with a fire extinguisher last night by a carful of drunks.

May 8, 2012

Zip car is easier

Last month Ender Durgut led police on a car chase through three towns before crashing his car. Last week he decided to test drive a Venza while it was still in the Herb Chambers Toyota showroom on Commonwealth Avenue in Allston.

April 24, 2012

Keyless entry

Boston police responded to call of a breaking and entering at 3:30AM Sunday morning at 33 Highgate Street in Allston. After a brief chase, they apprehended the suspect, who was quite apologetic, but still arrested.

Highgate Street runs from Cambridge Street to Farrington Avenue, and is often used as a short cut to Brighton Avenue. Don’t do it during rush hour, it is not allowed during that time and police sometimes pull people over for making the turn when they’re not distracted by burglars.

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