Archive for October, 2013

October 18, 2013

No one reads the Allston Brighton TAB

OK, a few people do. A mere 399 – yes, that is three digits, three hundred and ninety-nine – actually pay for a paper. This week, on page A2, the print run was reported, and 399 was the sad number. Now remember there are about 75,000 residents in Allston-Brighton. As a separate town, we would constitute the 14th largest city in Massachusetts.

Why do 399 people buy it? There are a few items. Featured in a press release, Linda, a “Sweet, flirtatious” cat is up for adoption at the Gifford House animal shelter. There is another press release about those aged 90-plus at Covenant House at 30 Washington Street. And don’t forget, “Send in your fall foliage photos!” We all know how our neighborhood becomes clogged with leaf-peepers this time of year.

Based on the election returns, there are 6556 residents who cared enough to vote for mayor three weeks ago. That’s 6157 more than pick up the shabby sheets labeled the Allston Brighton TAB. Maybe more people would vote if we had a paper that was paying attention.

October 13, 2013

Meet the next mayor

Spend some time Columbus Day discovering the candidates. The next mayor of Boston will be in our neighborhood tomorrow, October 14. Both Marty Walsh and John Connolly will be campaigning here. Walsh will take questions at one of his “Mondays with Marty” forums at 8 PM at the Brighton Marine Health Center, 77 Warren Street. Connolly is hosting a meet and greet from 6 to 8PM at the Stockyard Restaurant, 135 Market Street. Thanks to John Laadt of the Walsh campaign for letting me know about their event, and thanks to the Hobart Neighborhood Association for their tip about the Connolly appearance.

October 9, 2013

Charlie for mayor

Charlie Vasiliades, also known as the Mayor of Oak Square, was interviewed by WBUR about the race to replace that other mayor, Menino. Charlie brought up all the points that are important to the entire Allston Brighton community, as well those specific to Oak Square. Keeping the square’s library and fire station open, the need for quality schools to keep families, the plague of poorly maintained, absentee-owned property that afflicts the neighborhood.

In the last few days canvassers for both John Connolly and Marty Walsh were on my doorstep, Marty represented by his cousin. I raised the issue of keeping the Faneuil library branch open. It would be great if the two candidates could address this.


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