Archive for ‘AB Newflash’

December 11, 2013

The mayor and me



This website does not come with a lot of perks.  Actually none, until tonight.  Thanks to Emilee Ellison of the mayor’s office, I received an invitation to Mayor Menino’s annual, and final, holiday press party at the Parkman House.  Years ago, I landed in city hall as an aide to newly elected councilor Brian McLaughlin (District 9, Allston Brighton), the same moment Tom Menino became councilor for District 5 (Hyde Park Roslindale) and Ray Flynn took over as mayor from Kevin White.  City hall was entertaining, lots of characters.  I will never forget Dapper O’Neil dropping a Lugar pistol on my desk as he explicated his heroics during WWII.  Menino was lucky, in those days we referred to his district as Sleepy Hollow.

The party was fun, free drinks, great food, had fun schmoozing with the bartenders (another one of my jobs) and people I hadn’t seen since my city hall days.  And wow, the Parkman House looks amazing.

Above all, thanks to Mayor Menino.  Public service takes a toll, especially when you are responsible for a major city like Boston.  You cannot get away from the daily tough stuff, whether it is a shooting or a snow storm or the missed school bus pickup.  It is just there, and the mayor is there, and people look at him to blame, or fix it.  So thanks, and good luck to him and his wife Angela.


October 18, 2013

No one reads the Allston Brighton TAB

OK, a few people do. A mere 399 – yes, that is three digits, three hundred and ninety-nine – actually pay for a paper. This week, on page A2, the print run was reported, and 399 was the sad number. Now remember there are about 75,000 residents in Allston-Brighton. As a separate town, we would constitute the 14th largest city in Massachusetts.

Why do 399 people buy it? There are a few items. Featured in a press release, Linda, a “Sweet, flirtatious” cat is up for adoption at the Gifford House animal shelter. There is another press release about those aged 90-plus at Covenant House at 30 Washington Street. And don’t forget, “Send in your fall foliage photos!” We all know how our neighborhood becomes clogged with leaf-peepers this time of year.

Based on the election returns, there are 6556 residents who cared enough to vote for mayor three weeks ago. That’s 6157 more than pick up the shabby sheets labeled the Allston Brighton TAB. Maybe more people would vote if we had a paper that was paying attention.

January 11, 2012


Allston Brighton Newsflash is a website devoted to the issues, arguments, ups, downs, fights and fracases affecting the Allston Brighton community.

This site won’t be doing original reporting, but it will direct you to sites that do, as well as links to information that might be helpful.  It is meant to be a resource for anyone interested in the neighborhood.  Many of us rely on emails from different people and organizations, fliers at bus stops, word of mouth and what we stumble upon while we are out and about.  Putting it all in one place will make it easier.

About me: My name is Tom Crowley, and I live near Oak Square.

You can reach me at tc (at) abnewsflash (dot) com.


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