Archive for June, 2012

June 19, 2012

Over someone’s dead body

The former McNamara Funeral Home at 460 Washington Street, Brighton will be the focus of a BRA hearing tonight, June 19 at 6:30PM, at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 321 Washington Street. The most recent iteration of the plan is to convert the existing structure to four residential units, and build 24 new units behind it. There would also a parking garage and outdoor parking.

June 14, 2012

Build baby build

Local land sites, and plans for their development, will be on the Board of Appeals docket on Tuesday, June 19 at 9:30AM. David Walsh wants to put up a five-unit building at 5-5D Raymond Street, Allston. Looks like he is planning to add the apartments to the backyard. Talk about infill. Munir Faisal is looking to put up a single family home at 46 Gerrish Street, Brighton. He also wants permission to lop off a piece of land at 160 Bigelow and add it to said Gerrish Street property.

Let’s not forget this, the oddly named Charing Cross development at 1501 Commonwealth Avenue. Also up for approval of 55 units.

June 7, 2012

A Subway for Comm. Ave.

The BAIA’s monthly meeting will discuss a request to open a Subway sandwich shop at 1440 Commonwealth Avenue in Brighton. Also on the agenda is a proposal to build a single family home at 8 Gordon Street, Allston. They meet tonight, June 7 at 7 PM, Brighton Elks, 326 Washington Street.

June 7, 2012

Like a train coming through

The train that left Brighton when the Mass Pike was built fifty years ago is coming back. New Balance and the Massachusetts Transportation Department have signed a letter of intent to get a station built.

This is great news, and it is good to see new transportation added in conjunction with such a huge project. Of course, there are those who think what we really need are bars that close at 3AM.

June 6, 2012

New Balance meeting tonight

There will be a meeting tonight, June 6 at 7 PM, at the WGBH facility on Guest Street to discuss the latest New Balance plans, including that train station.

June 3, 2012

3AM closing time fails to reduce crime

A Domino’s Pizza employee was punched, fell and knocked unconscious when a group of five people decided they didn’t like the fact the pizza parlor had no public restrooms. This Allston location was recently granted an extension of its closing hour to 3AM. Thank goodness the company offers health insurance.

June 1, 2012

Next stop: Brighton station

New Balance has filed an updated plan that will make rail aficionados swoon. They are promising to design and build a new commuter rail station. It will be a separate project from the collection of office building, restaurants and a hotel and stadium they aim to build, but be situated nearby.


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