Posts tagged ‘parties’

March 24, 2013

BPD take a breather from BU parties, break up BC bash

Taking their cue from the partying habits of BU students on Ashford and Pratt Streets in Allston, well over one hundred BC undergrads crammed themselves into the basement and backyard of 16 Gerald Road, Brighton on the evening of March 16. Police responded to a noise complaint and ended up seizing a couple of beer kegs. The crowd made a fast exit once they realized the BPD has arrived. The 2-family house is owned by Richard Cohen, who lists that as his address although he does not get the owner-occupant tax exemption.

November 1, 2012

Stink bomb of a party

The BPD shut down a party at 2 Guilford Street near Union Square in Allston in the early morning hours of Saturday, October 23. As they were doing this one of the departing partygoers tossed a stink bomb at a house farther down Guildford Street, apparently in retaliation for complaints about all the noise. It being a crazy night, the officers didn’t arrest anyone but did issue a summons for public drinking. The owner of this single-family is listed as Theano Tsekrekas of Greece. Now, someone must be managing the property locally. Wonder who?

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