Posts tagged ‘Restaurants’

March 26, 2013

Russian restaurant hearing delayed

The plans for a 450-seat Russian restaurant at 14-20 Linden Street are on hold for now, at least until the owners meet with Allston Civic Association and the BPD. The Zoning Board of Appeal deferred yesterday’s schedule hearing to May 7, according to Adam at UH.

This expansion almost certainly would require approval from the Licensing Board.

March 24, 2013

Da or nyet? Russian club seeks permit for 450-seat restaurant

The ever-evolving Russian Benevolent Society at 14 Linden Street, Allston wants to become a 450-seat restaurant and lounge with live entertainment, as well as adding a patio that would accommodate 90 patrons. It started out as a private social club, but has gone from that to serving the public three days a week, and last year to a seven-day-a-week operation. Apparently there was a steam room in the building as of 2010, but no mention if this is still part of the operation. The hearing will be Tuesday, March 26 at 9:30AM before the Zoning Board of Appeal in City Hall.

September 5, 2012

New liquor store, Mexican restaurant seek support

The Brighton Allston Improvement Association’s September meeting is crammed with stuff, including a major presentation for the redevelopment of the old Cleveland Circle movie theater, a new liquor store at 1550 Commonwealth Avenue, and a Mexican restaurant up the road at 1620. More information here, the meeting will be held this Thursday night at 7 PM at the Elks in Brighton Center.

July 28, 2012

New saloon owner looking for support

Mike Conlon, the new owner of the now closed Stockyard Restaurant property, will be attending the Brighton Allston Improvement Association meeting on Thursday, August 2. Also on the agenda are requests to open a massage spa, a medical office and convert a two-family to a three-family.

May 30, 2012

No cows allowed

Allston is about to get a vegan ice cream shop, Nomu (no moo, get it?). The lactose-free emporium will be located on Cambridge Street in Union Square. The neighborhood sure has changed.

Brighton Cattle Yards, circa 1850. Image via Brighton Allston Historical Society.

April 21, 2012

Lone Star Taco

Eater Boston has a round-up of reviews on the Lone Star Taco Bar in Union Square, Allston.

February 15, 2012

Adios to Big City, Hola to Patron’s

Big City, the Allston pool hall at the corner of Brighton and Harvard Avenues, is going to become Patron’s Mexican Kitchen & Watering Hole, according to Boston Magazine. No mention in the article if the cue balls will disappear, or if it is just a menu change.


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