Posts tagged ‘single family’

December 8, 2013

128 Newton Street: Four single-families, plus a five story building in the middle

Plans presented at last week’s meeting on possible construction at 128 Newton Street, Brighton did not go over well, based on what I heard from people who attended.  The plan involves two single-family homes at 128 Newton Street, two more singles on Bigelow Street at the foot of Hardwick Street, and smack in the middle, a five-story, twenty unit condominium building.  So far as I know, the developer, Nartan Valbandian, has yet to submit any plans or letter of intent to any city agency.  It’s too much crammed into an odd site.  Not every corner of every lot is buildable.  Keep the single families, maybe add a couple more, but get rid of the condo building.

May 4, 2012

One more one-family

This property at the corner of Gerrish and Brooks Street, Brighton was recently sold and the lot subdivided. A single family is going up.

4 Gerrish Street, Brighton

April 30, 2012

Build it and they will buy

The demand for single-family homes in Brighton continues, despite a generally still-weak housing market. This Thursday the the Brighton Allston Improvement Association will be hearing from the owners of two different addresses, 82 Presentation Road and 46 Gerrish Street, both looking to construct one-family houses. As always, the meeting starts at 7PM at the Elks, 326 Washington Street, Brighton Center.


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