Posts tagged ‘building violations’

February 24, 2012

Mice, mold & rats

A visitor to 48 Brighton Ave.

The BU Daily Free Press writes about some pretty gross conditions, and gross violations of housing codes, at some addresses in Allston, including 48 Brighton Avenue. When it snows, you can tell you have reached the building because the owner/management company/slumlord never shovels the sidewalk.

Since the management company refuses to give contact information for the owners to tenants, I thought I would help them out. The Assessing Department lists four owners: Wayne Siegel, Kevin Ryan, Joseph Ciliberti and New Brighton Realty Trust. Based on what I could find in public records, Joseph Ciliberti lives at 12 Marshfield Road, Newton. He is also an owner of Brighton Realty. There is a post office box in Brookline listed on the deed, but that’s not what we’re looking for. That’s all I got, let me know if you have any leads.


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