Archive for ‘Neighborhood history’

May 20, 2014

Free Oak Square walking tour

Take a walking tour of Brighton’s Oak Square neighborhood on Saturday, May 31 from 10AM to 12 noon.  Charlie Vasiliades will be your guide, giving you an overview of the history and landmarks of the square, followed by a hike up Nonantum hill, meandering to the EF Language school property, and ending with a picnic at Chandler’s Pond.  You can sign up here:

The event is sponsored by Common Boston and several other organizations.

December 10, 2013

What’s in a name: Barry’s Corner vs. Allston Square

Should Harvard’s development for the corner of North Harvard Street and Western Avenue in Allston be designated “Allston Square” rather than “Barry’s Corner,” which is how that section was generally known before it was demolished in the 1960’s?  That suggestion, made by a local resident, has provoked a lively discussion on Google groups community forum.  Does the neighborhood need a re-branding?  How should the history of the fight that led to the forced removal of 71 families be honored?  For a history of the area, check out this excellent article by Bill Marchione.

November 29, 2013

Oak Square: it takes a village

Mayor of Oak Square Charlie Vasiliades tips us off to a new website that includes a focus on the history, as well as the present, of his realm, Squares & Corners. Lots of great stuff.

June 20, 2013

Demolish, rebuild, repeat

The Charlesview Residences, which were built to replace the Charlesview Apartments development that Harvard purchased and plans to demolish, which in turn were built to replace the Barry’s Corner neighborhood that was flattened by an urban renewal scheme, will have its ribbon cutting ceremony tomorrow at 12 noon at 400 Western Avenue.

March 11, 2013

Back in the day, seems everyone was taking pictures of Brighton is featuring two sets of photos, one of Brighton that compares the same sites today and in years past, and another of Cleveland Circle that illustrates past photography and future plans.

Kudos to Charlie Vasiliades of the BAHS for putting together the Brighton series.

March 5, 2013

You could write a book about it


People who made a difference, past and present, are the subject of the new book “Legendary Locals”. The profiles include the Winships and their support for soldiers of George Washington, Olympic gold medal winner Harold Connolly, and present-day state representative Kevin Honan. Bill Marchione, author of “The Bull in the Garden” and a key founder of the BAHS, wrote the foreword.

The author, Linda Mishkin, will have a book signing on April 6th from 1:00 to 3:00PM at the BAHS Heritage Museum/Veronica Smith Center, 20 Chestnut Hill Avenue. She will do a repeat embossing on May 7th from 6:30-8:00PM at the Faneuil Branch Library, 419 Faneuil Street in Oak Square.

March 5, 2013

Allston, today and back in the day

Thanks to Matthew in Boston and the Brighton Allston Historical Society, this collection of photos shows views of places in Allston, today and days past.

Matt’s version is here, has the same photos but allows you to slide over an image, giving you a different view of the location.

Hat tip Adam at UH.

February 10, 2013

Originally from Allston

Recently I discovered “Originally from Allston,” a Facebook page devoted to memories of the neighborhood by people who grew up there. Check out the photos.

February 8, 2013

The trolleys that kept trying during the Blizzard of ’78

During the Blizzard of ’78 the MBTA kept running, at least until the snow overwhelmed buses and above-ground lines. Photos here of trolleys on Commonwealth Ave in Allston.

H/T to Adam at Universal Hub.

January 7, 2013

Her home was gone


Inscribed on the back of this photograph: “….Mrs. Eunice Hollum of 152 North Harvard Street is told that her home in background was cleaned up by BRA movers and then closed up while she was at the store, by Steve Golden, one of the leaders against the BRA takeover…”

Thanks to Charlie Vasiliades for the photo.

Allston has suffered a lot over years due to the arrogance and indifference of the BRA.

UPDATE: Charlie V. informs me the photo is from 1969, probably October.

September 24, 2012

Soon to be demolished?

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The owner of this property at 10 Parsons Street, Brighton Center (it’s the last house on the right before Washington Street, next to the Sovereign Commerce Bank parking lot) wants to knock it down. His request is the subject of BRA hearing this evening.

Kandu Development purchased this property and the adjacent 423-425 Washington Street in January 2011 for $1.5 million. The property includes the former Minihane’s Florist building, the Sovereign Bank branch, and the parking lot.

May 10, 2012

Boston joy ride, 1964

Take a spin through Boston and Cambridge, including Cleveland Circle and Brighton Center, circa 1964. It is amazing how few cars there are on the road. Things look a lot more stylish on Mad Men, but maybe that is just Boston. (h/t to @bostonsnudisco on Twitter)

May 4, 2012

Rock of Allston

Not Allston Rock City or a basement show. This marker, dating from 1729, is being restored.

March 3, 2012

Don’t give them an inch

Every five years, Massachusetts town and city officials are required to go for a walk. Specifically, they have to make sure that the markers that designate town lines are in place. Adam at Universal Hub has a neat photo of a marker being checked out on the Newton/Boston line, a map that includes the Bigelow Street are circa 1896, and a link to more photos. Nowadays we rely on things like overnight parking restrictions and resident parking to know what side of the border we are on.


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