Archive for February 15th, 2012

February 15, 2012

Allston Nights

For all you Allston hipsters.

February 15, 2012

Option 1, Option 2, Option 3: which will the MBTA choose?

Commuters, who have just come off the train, waiting for the bus to go home, Lowell, Mass. (LOC) The wait may get longer. The ride will be more expensive.

The MBTA Advisory Board has proposed an alternative to the MBTA’s two service-slashing, fare-raising plans, according to Universal Hub’s Adam Gaffin. Fares would go up 25% but service would remain the same. To raise even more revenue, there would be fees, including: $10 per year per college student and 50 cents per ticket for sport and entertainment events. So maybe the T can collect some of the lost fares from students who think the B-line is free for undergrads.

Monday, March 12 there will be a hearing in Brighton on the various proposals.. Veronica Smith Senior Center, 20 Chestnut Hill Avenue, from 5:30 to 7:30 PM.

February 15, 2012

Adios to Big City, Hola to Patron’s

Big City, the Allston pool hall at the corner of Brighton and Harvard Avenues, is going to become Patron’s Mexican Kitchen & Watering Hole, according to Boston Magazine. No mention in the article if the cue balls will disappear, or if it is just a menu change.

February 15, 2012

That Beauty Factory on the Charles

“Harry, the planning we’ve done led to the approval of Stone Hearth Pizza and Swiss Bakers,” – BRA Chief Planner Kairos Shen

Wow. A dire need has been filled.

Harvard’s presentation Monday night on its plans for the untilled acres it owns in Allston left residents underwhelmed. The lack of a timeline was particularly troubling.

Ah well, if the science center doesn’t work out, they can always fall back on their reputation as that Beauty Factory on the Charles.

UPDATE – A follow-up article in the Crimson cites more dissatisfaction with the university’s plans, this time centered on proposed housing.

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