Archive for February 28th, 2012

February 28, 2012

Bang bang

Boston police arrested a man around 8:30 Sunday morning on Harvard Avenue for assault by means of a dangerous weapon after receiving reports from two witnesses that he had a handgun, and had aimed it at taxis. The weapon turned out to be a large BB handgun. I didn’t know that they existed.

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February 28, 2012


Boston College student Franco Garcia has been missing since Wednesday, February 22 when he left MaryAnn’s, a Cleveland Circle bar. A resident of West Newton, he has not been heard from since. Anyone with information is urged to contact the Newton Police Department at 617-796-2100.

February 28, 2012

Former McNamara Funeral Home, Black & Decker development plans

The Brighton Allston Improvement Association will hear presentations on proposals for both sites at their meeting this Thursday, March 1 at 7 PM at the Elks Lodge, 326 Washington Street, Brighton Center. These and other issues will be considered.

February 28, 2012

Maureen Driscoll remembered has a nice article on Maureen, who was known to many people as a long-time employee at Johnny D’s Fruit in Brighton Center.

February 28, 2012

Speedway update

The Boston Herald has the latest on the state’s plans for the former MDC police station. More here. They want an “unconventional” developer for the site. Does this mean someone with lots of tattoos and piercings? Or is this just a euphemism for “highest bidder, no matter how ridiculous the proposal”?

February 28, 2012

Those mystery zoning hearings

The most interesting one is for 154-162A Brighton Avenue in Allston. The building owner is Blanchard’s, but I from what I gather this is to allow the Brighton Music Hall, formerly Harper’s Ferry, to expand their capacity from 340 people to 476. This will also require permission from the Boston Licensing Board and the Boston Licensing Division.

For the rest of what’s going on in Room 801 this week, click here

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