Archive for January 7th, 2013

January 7, 2013

Her home was gone


Inscribed on the back of this photograph: “….Mrs. Eunice Hollum of 152 North Harvard Street is told that her home in background was cleaned up by BRA movers and then closed up while she was at the store, by Steve Golden, one of the leaders against the BRA takeover…”

Thanks to Charlie Vasiliades for the photo.

Allston has suffered a lot over years due to the arrogance and indifference of the BRA.

UPDATE: Charlie V. informs me the photo is from 1969, probably October.

January 7, 2013

Round-up on Harvard’s plans

Harry Mattison has lots of information on Harvard’s latest plans for Allston, such as they are. Scroll down to the posts starting with “More on Harvard’s empty warehouses.”

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